In this article you will find all the information to get started with Proodoss.

Personal dashboard Schermafdruk_2019-08-13_13.26.47.png Dashboard
Here you find your personal information and you can easily navigate to the Baarda assessment for which you are invited and personal ambitions.

Here you can find the invitations for a Baarda assessment, you can view your Baarda assessment and you can make one private test.

Create your personal and business ambitions here.

If you have been asked to help someone with their ambitions you will find that here. 

Job matrix
Here you can view the structure of the functions in your organization.

Make a reflection of a conversation here to administer and/or share the discussed points. Here you will also find all invitations for reviews. You also have an overview of the assessments you have already completed and received the final assessments.


On the dashboard you find a video about Model Baarda, click on the play button to play this video.


Organisation dashboardSchermafdruk_2019-08-13_13.26.47.png

Here you can send multiple Baarda assessments at once to several people, on multiple role and learning pathways.

Look here for an overview of the progress of the ambitions within your team or organization.

Here you see an overview of the employees in the organization and here you can adjust the employees  information.

Here you have an overview of all your teams and you can make an individual Baarda assessment about an employee. 

Job matrix
Here you can view and edit the Job and People matrix. (Editing is only possible as an administrator.) 

Job profiles
Here you can view the job profiles that are linked to the Job matrix and you can add a stand-alone job (profile). You can also edit a function (profile) and add a PDF-file here. 

Create your specific questionnaires for your organization here.

Here you can easily send multiple self-made questionnaires (templates) at once to several people.

Here you can set the specific departments for the Job matrix in your organization.

Look here for all the final assessments, in cycle, within your organization.


Are you unable to access one of the above functionalities? No worries. This can be added later by someone with the rights to do so.